Delight your dog with the new Cesar trays, a deliciously premium range of wet dog food for adult dogs. Every dog deserves to be loved and treating them with Cesar is a great way to love them back.
- This wet dog food is made with quality ingredients.
- This premium dog food, made with selected tuna mixed with tender quality lamb mixed with vegetables, provides your dog with nutrients.
- It has 60 kcal energy per (100g) pack.
- It is a complete and balanced dog food to be fed as per your dog’s nutritional needs.
Key features:
- Complete and Balanced dog food
- A premium dog meal made with quality ingredients
- Delivers irresistible taste along with nutrition
- Tender quality lamb mixed with vegetables, an ideal festive treat for dogs
- Contains vegetables to serve as healthy food
- The perfect treat with quality meal provides 60 kcal energy per pack
- Has a pleasing texture
- Ideal for adult dogs
- Provides Min. 5.0% Protein, Max. 1% Crude Fiber and Max. 89% Moisture
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